This is
HAM RDF projects

FOX Sample Announce File

This file will play following the INI= file.
  1.     ANN=REM-,FOX_ANN_V2023.FOX
  2.     ANN=TONE,1.0
  3.     ANN=CWPM,30,-1,-1,-1,-1
  4.     ANN=BEGN
  5.     ANN=TALK,<CALL>
  6.     ANN=TALK,<NAME>
  7.     ANN=WAIT,1.0
  8.     ANN=BATV,V
  9.     ANN=BATV,I
  10.     ANN=WAIT,0.3
  11.     ANN=TALK,V_F144
  12.     ANN=TALK,V_F325
  13.     ANN=DONE
  14.     ANN=FREQ,144.325
  15.     ANN=STAT
  16.     ANN=RUN0,S0

This is sample initialization file.

Line(s) 1

Remark (ignored).

Line(s) 2

Set code generator audio frequency (in KHz).

Line(s) 3

Set code generator chipping parameters.
This selects 30 words per minute.
The -1 parameters select standard timing gaps.

Line(s) 4

The BEGN command enables the RF sunsystem to generate carrier and sends a signon message with our Callsign.

Line(s) 5

The TALK command sends an audio file with a name that matches our callsign (from the INI= file).
The <CALL>, being delimited with < and > has the callsign from the INI= file substituted for the <CALL>.

Line(s) 6

The TALK command sends an audio file with a name that matches our nickname. (also from the INI= file).
Same type of substitution, but with the nickname from the INI= file.

Line(s) 7

The WAIT command simply wait for the indicated time.
Unmodulated carrier is sent during the wait period.

Line(s) 8

The BATV command vocalizes a battery parameter.
In this example, the battery voltage.

Line(s) 9

Similar to line 9, here we vocalize the battery current.

Line(s) 10

Another WAIT command.

Line(s) 11

The TALK command sends the named audio file.

Line(s) 12

Another TALK command sends another named audio file.

Lines 11 and 12 announce the new operating frequency.

Line(s) 13

The DONE command sends a signoff message with our Callsign.
The carrier is then disabled and the RF subsystem brought into and idle state (powered off, or the synthesizer disabled).

Line(s) 14

The FREQ command changes the operating frequency. In this example to 144.325MHz.

Looking back into the INI= file, we start ALL transmitters on 144.150MHz. All of the announce messages are broadcast on the same frequency (i.e. 144.150). You can leave your handie-talkie set to 144.150 during setup to verify that the transmitters are functioning.

After the ANN= message, the transmitter switches to its operating frequency for the hunt (therefore, we change the frequency after the ANN= message).

Line(s) 15

The STAT command is a diagnostic aid, dumping the system setup ( see status.html). It is only visible when connected to a host system through the serial port.

Line(s) 16

Finally, the RUN0 turns on scheduling, in theis case the "S0=" schedule is enabled.
Refering to the INI= file, the S0= schedule is setup to run every 360 seconds, starting 60 seconds into the period.